KIMI magazine

I cannot tell you how happy I am to share with you the inspirational and amazing new ‘Kimi’ magazine!


I know most of you would not have heard of this magazine yet as it is very new, so let me tell you about it.

Kimi magazine was created by my wonderful friend Ciara, who saw first hand the suffering of someone with an eating disorder when her best friend Milly was admitted to hospital.  She saw the hardship that can come of the road to recovery, which can be paved with feelings of helplessness, lack of self-confidence and self-worth.

Ciara decided to create this magazine when she noticed there was nothing out there already that was like this.  She saw the depressing nature of hospitals and lack of magazines that didn’t use stick thin models or constantly talk about diets and exercise.  The exception was Peppermint Magazine; however being environmentally based, they had little focus on fashion.  It was then that she asked herself “Why can’t there be a positive and colourful fashion magazine?” and with that, the idea of Kimi was born.

Speaking as a dietitian-to-be myself, and knowing people close to me who have suffered from this, I can say that times can be extremely difficult.  It can be hard to find something comforting that will provide you with a positive and hopeful outlook when everything seems so dark. Kimi magazine is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Kimi is a “fashion, music, art and culture magazine, based around positivity and warmth”.  These are some of the incredible things you can expect to find amongst the colourful pages:

  • Beautiful models who were personally selected by Ciara – there’s no discrimiation here, models from various backgrounds and ethnicities come together to showcase their individuality and style.  Each and every model used is also (most importantly) of a heatlhy BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Up-and-coming designers and labels displaying a variety of unique clothing and accessories
  • Amazing artwork – some of the most intricate. detailed, inspirational and colourful that I have ever seen.
  • Delicious recipes that are easy to make at home and should most definitely be enjoyed by everyone.  On another note,  I am extremely fortuante to have been given the opportunity to contribute to issue 2 with some recipes! (Make sure you buy issue 2 to find out what they are!)



With its vibrant colours and inspirational stories Kimi is a must-have!  110% of the profits go to Eating Disorders Victoria, so you can be assured that your money is going somewhere that it is really needed and appreciated.

So next time you see a glossy mag plastered with the latest Kardashian scandal, or ‘top 10 tips for the perfect beach bod’ please, think again.  Your money would be so much better spent on Kimi magazine.  It is incomparable with any magazine that has been on the market, and is 100% REAL.

To order the magazine or find out more about it, head to the Kimi website
It can also be purchased in store at Dorothy & Evelyn

and check out their facebook page too, at

9 thoughts on “KIMI magazine

      1. Konni Kim

        Yes, I love what Ciara is doing, and I truly support Kimi Magazine from the bottom of my heart and hope it becomes really big one day! It’s great to see that there are people like Ciara that brighten up this world. This blog post just made my day : ) Oh and I love your blog!!

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